Our Services

From scooping the poop, removing it from the property, and even sanitizing & deodorizing, we have so many things to offer!

Still have questions?


Everything is strange when its new. That’s why we’ve allowed you to schedule a free In Person, or Phone consultation to help answer any of your questions! Please, don’t be shy, and allow us to help you help you and your furry family!

FREE Weekly Poop Purge consultation


As simple as it sounds, our team of professionals Arrive at your property once a week for a cleaning of any Exterior Pet waste from your lawn. Let our Purge Professionals come out today for a free estimate!

Santization and odor application!


Our team of professionals will also spray the areas of lawn affected by the pet waste using child/pet friendly lawn sanitization and deodorizer, reducing the chance of bacteria left behind from waste, while making it smell fresh and new!

Schedule a free consultation now!